Lorelei is a horror/action film project
based in Louisiana, written by
Rene Luterbach at Digital Impact Studios.
He came to me with his idea for the cover and facebook promotion.
So we made it happen!
Model: Misti Douglas
We decided we wanted a
front-on shot of Misti's face,
and we didn't really have a studio setup
at the time. So, we all piled into the garage,
plugged in a soft box with a strobe, and did our photoshoot!
Needless to say, we had a blast and will always have a great
story to share with othersabout how we accomplished this :)
Liquify, added blood drop on mouth, did some exposures on a forrest and some blood drops,  and added a little smoke effect
This ended up being the winner!
So, we sat down infront of Rene's computer
and I got to work. About 4 and a half hours later and this is the result!
All done in Adobe Photoshop
Mock-up style
Main Character & cover photo: Misto Douglas
Facebook profile
Facebook profile
Lorelei Movie

Lorelei Movie

Movie poster and facebook promotion design for the short horror/action film Lorelei.
